The comedy duo, Bob & Byrne, was started a decade ago in Los Angeles by Bob Levitan and Byrne Offutt who were writing and performing together on a Sirius Radio comedy show. Bob, who trained at The Second City and The Groundlings, and Byrne, an ACME Comedy alumnus, saw opportunities in the emerging internet video world.

Since joining forces, Bob and Byrne have seen many of their videos achieve “viral” status – especially before cats in toilets and 12-year-olds with selfie sticks started gobbling up the audience. Hits like Albino Poo298 and Janitors have garnered millions of views and continue to entertain thousands of millennials that have no idea why they’re laughing.

Independently, Bob and Byrne have appeared as actors on Modern FamilyTwo and a Half MenCriminal MindsEli Stone, and Pushing Daisies. Together, Bob & Byrne’s brand of comedy has been described as, “purely unique and awfully painful,” “grounded, gritty, and glutinous,” and “90 seconds of video that has me laughing for hours.”

While Bob and Byrne have worked with numerous directors over the years, they constantly return to Taz Goldstein who always elevates a Bob & Byrne video beyond the original script. Videos like Disorder and Bronovich and Associates were silly ideas that Taz produced into epic two-minute films. Bob and Byrne couldn’t be luckier that Taz loves their brand of humor and wanted to direct 2084.

All of their videos can be found at

Bob & Byrne
June, 2015